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Friday, October 24, 2014

If you are tired of selling a weight lose or energy supplement that does not seem to be doing the trick any more then read this!
Under Additional comments please enter me name and rep number as you referrer My rep# 1656870

Friday, October 10, 2014


I no longer my full time job outside of the home.... I finally got fed up with so much more work being thrown at me and the pay not compensating the work.... SO I stopped caring about the job a few months ago. It was a great blessing for me to get away from there.
The only thing that bothers me is that the girl who set beside me, treated me like I was actually her friend has yet to try to contact me even once. But that just proves to me that she only does what she has to while at work. But I would even babysit her daughter for free sometimes and now my son is asking when she will come back over, and I had to tell him probably never cuz her mom has not talked to me. Oh Well, Out with the Old and in with the New.
My husband says if he can take care of all the bills with his full time job and side jobs, then he wants me to be able to stay home. Though there is this one job I would not mind having so I have applied to it. I would be the Apartment Manager of 110 units and have my own office. I would really like this - When I am not busy I can walk the grounds to get some exercise to continue to lose weight with my V3Max and V2 Skinny Greens. I swear I absolutely LOVE this stuff!
Look at my face in the two pics..... I never realized I had gotten that FAT. But its ok cuz look at me now!!!!!.                                                 

