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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Fat Head

Hey peeps! I just wanted to tell you my experience that I had today. I was on facebook and I found this group called FAT HEAD and I joined it thinking they might be interested in my Vfinity products and Boy was I ever wrong..... These people went crazy on my post..... they said the group was based on the movie Fat Head and that they don't use products, that they only eat naturally. They called me a spammer cuz I was selling something. Needless to say I told these people they are crazy but since they commented on my post that at least I know they read it. lol then I deleted the post and left the group...... Them people are full of Drama. So Be ware! :)

Anyway I have had a great day.... Supper is almost ready.... Baked chicken, lady peas, and backed potatoes with cheese and bacon on them.... Yum.

If you are interested in using my products or selling my products then please feel free to go to my site and if you just are curious as to what it is and does then please go check out the product descriptions on my site....

Thanks for reading my blog.

GN yall!!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

My weight loss with V3MAX

I am new to this blogging thing but I know I can tell my story. So I am taking this product V3MAX and it makes me feel so great that I am also a distributor for the company. When I started taking the 1 happy skinny pill a day I weighed 261 (in May 2014) and today I have lost 15 pounds so far and am weighing 246. I am still in my size 20 but they were very tight and now some of my shorts I can pull down without unbuttoning them. I tried on a size 18 last night and they buttoned but were still very tight, like my 20's were when I started my journey. I knew I had to do something cuz I felt miserable all the time.
I really want to share the way I feel with everyone in the world. This one pill has kept me stress free and I don't get irritated like I use to. I do not pick fights with my husband and I AM LOSING WEIGHT AND INCHES!!!!!!!
My website is